
Health & Wellbeing content to support your employees, your organisation and you.

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Set yourself up for a quality night's sleep

We chatted to Health Coach and Presenter of the Wellness Unwrapped podcast, Suzy Glaskie, about the impact of sleep on the different areas of our wellbeing. Suzy gives some top tips for a quality night's sleep, as well as shedding some light on the ...

6 tips to foster a company culture of inclusivity

Think about it, if we all had the same experiences, opinions and skillsets, the world would be a boring place and we’d achieve very little. It’s individuality that makes up an eclectic team of people in any innovative team, group or organisation.


Men's Health Week

Is there still a stigma around men's mental health?

Some of our team at Health Shield opened up the discussion from their own homes, talking about their personal experiences and how we can support each other.

Although we still have some way to go ...

The changing ways of work

Company culture is usually established over a long period of time, but the impact of COVID-19 has accelerated change like never before, forcing us to question traditional ways of working.

Could this be a good thing as organisations become more ...

Is your blood sugar sabotaging your productivity?

Four tips to get sugar to work for you - By Health Coach and founder of Peppermint Wellness, Suzy Glaskie.

How would you rate your energy these days? Do you sail through the day with consistently high energy – with lots left over for your evening? ...

Money and mental wellbeing

ByIona Bain, our financial wellbeing partner and founder of the Young Money Blog

Have you ever thought of money as a mental health issue? You’ve probably never made the connection before. But we all face what I call The Pressure – the constant, ...

Kindness: the antidote to fear

Today, we’re talking about this year’s Mental Health Awareness theme: kindness.

The power of kindness should never be underestimated; kindness is the antidote to fear, and fear is at the core of poor mental health. In fact, witnessing acts of ...

What is Wellbeing?

As another week of lockdown passes, we’re reminded how important it is to look after our health and wellbeing. But how many of us know what wellbeing really means, or where to start?

Corona-nomics: how bad will it get?

By Iona Bain, our financial wellbeing partner and founder of the Young Money Blog

Who would have imagined that the economy could be stopped in its tracks? Yet that’s what seems to be happening thanks to the coronavirus lockdown. As Western ...

Lockdown: Keeping calm and carrying on

‘Keep calm and carry on’ is the quintessentially British quote published by the government in 1939 to boost morale and prepare the country for war. As the nation continues to pull together as we accept our new way of life, this quote remains as ...