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Building a Stronger Workplace: How Health Cash Plans Can Help Reduce Absenteeism and Employee Turnover for Industrial Workers

Written by Health Shield | May 24, 2023 3:05:04 PM


The construction industry is known for its physically demanding and challenging nature. The long hours, strenuous work, and high-risk environment put employees at risk of injuries, illnesses, and other health-related problems. This can lead to high absenteeism and turnover rates, which can be costly for your business in terms of time and money.

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In 2022, the manufacturing industry estimated 40% of reported work-related ill-health was due to musculoskeletal disorders, whilst another 40% was due to stress, depression or anxiety. With this key insight in mind, here we’ve highlighted the top three causes of absenteeism and how a health cash plan can offer the right support to help reduce these rates.

Whilst there are many possible causes as to why a member of staff could be absent, largely, the top reasons are often one of three things.

Injury (including work-related accidents)

One of the key causes for absence amongst industrial workers is work-related injury. It’s been reported that 54,000 workers sustained an injury at work, and 26% of these cases resulted in absence from work for over seven days.

Stress and mental health issues

Employee burnout is often tricky to spot but is crucial to look out for. More often than not, not even your employees notice they’re burnt out until it’s too late, and time off is necessary. Key signs of burnout to look out for include a lack of energy, an inability to focus on daily tasks, reduced productivity, and a negative attitude towards colleagues. Especially if there’s been a noticeable behaviour change, you should consider checking in. Unfortunately, the impacts of employee burnout can be serious, with severe cases leading to considerable time signed off work.

Caring for others (such as a sick family member)

Be it a poorly child, elderly parent or a family member living with a disability, for many employees across the UK, caring for another is a common occurrence. Often, in an office environment, many employers offer the flexibility to work from home - making this scenario easier to manage. But for those in the manufacturing industry, working from home simply isn’t an option.

Understanding How Health Cash Plans Can Help

Health cash plans are a type of health insurance that provides employees with the financial support they need to manage their healthcare costs. Health cash plans allow employees to claim back money for a wide range of healthcare expenses, including dental and optical treatments, physiotherapy, and even gym memberships. Health cash plans work by allowing businesses or employees to pay a small monthly fee, which is used to build up a fund that can be used to pay for healthcare expenses. When an employee needs to make a claim, they simply submit their receipt to the health cash plan provider, and the money is refunded to them.

Health cash plans are becoming increasingly popular in industries such as construction, production, and manufacturing for a number of reasons. Firstly, they provide employees with access to a wide range of healthcare services that they may not have been able to afford otherwise. This can help to improve their overall health and wellbeing, reducing the risk of injuries and illnesses, and improving productivity. Secondly, health cash plans are easy to use and understand, making them an attractive option for employees who may not have a lot of experience with health insurance. Finally, health cash plans are affordable, making them accessible to employees at all levels of the organisation.

Benefits of Offering Health Cash Plans to Physical Workers

Offering health cash plans to industrial workers can have a number of benefits for both employers and employees. Firstly, health cash plans can help to reduce absenteeism rates by providing employees with the financial support they need to manage their healthcare costs. This can help to reduce the number of sick days taken by employees, improving productivity and reducing the costs associated with absenteeism. Secondly, health cash plans can help to improve employee morale by providing them with access to a wide range of healthcare services that they may not have been able to afford otherwise. This can help to improve job satisfaction and reduce the risk of burnout and turnover.

Another benefit of offering health cash plans to industrial workers is that they can help to attract and retain top talent. In a highly competitive industry like construction, employers need to offer attractive benefits packages to remain competitive. Health cash plans can help to differentiate a company from its competitors, making it more attractive to potential employees. Finally, health cash plans can help to reduce the impact of rising healthcare costs on employees. By providing employees with the financial support they need to manage their healthcare costs, employers can reduce the amount of money they need to spend on healthcare benefits, saving them money in the long run.

Tips for Implementing and Promoting Health Cash Plans to Employees

Implementing and promoting health cash plans to industrial workers employees be challenging, as they typically don’t spend as much time in front screens to receive internal communications - but there are a number of strategies that employers can use to make the process easier. Firstly, employees should be educated about the benefits of health cash plans and how they work. This can help to reduce confusion and increase employee buy-in. Employers should also make sure that the health cash plan is easy to use and understand. This can be achieved by sharing clear instructions on how to make a claim and what expenses are covered typically available from the health cash plan provider.

To promote the health cash plan to employees, employers can use a number of strategies. You can provide employees with information about the plan through emails, newsletters, and other internal communication channels. Or, you can hold information sessions or workshops to educate employees about the benefits of the plan.

Potential Cost Savings for Companies Offering Health Cash Plans

Another potential cost saving for companies offering health cash plans is reduced absenteeism rates. By providing employees with access to a wide range of healthcare services, employers can reduce the number of sick days taken by employees, improving productivity and reducing the costs associated with absenteeism. Finally, offering health cash plans can help to reduce the cost of hiring and training new employees. By reducing employee turnover rates, employers can save money on recruitment and training costs, improving their bottom line.

Other Strategies for Reducing Employee Turnover Amongst Industrial Workers

While health cash plans are an effective way to reduce employee turnover in for physical and production workers, there are other strategies that employers can use to improve employee retention. One strategy is to provide employees with opportunities for career development and advancement. This can help to improve job satisfaction and reduce the risk of burnout and turnover.

Another strategy is to provide employees with a safe and supportive work environment. This can be achieved by implementing safety protocols and providing employees with the tools and resources they need to do their job safely. Employers can also improve employee retention by providing employees with competitive compensation packages, including benefits like health cash plans, retirement plans, and paid time off.

As you can see, health cash plans are an effective way to provide financial support to help industrial workers manage their healthcare costs, improve employee morale, and reduce absenteeism.

By implementing these strategies, employers can build a stronger workplace and reduce employee turnover for industrial workers.


If you’re looking to find out more about how you can take care of your people and how our Health Cash Plans can help your workforce, download our eBook today.