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Explore These Seven Free Resources For Suicide Awareness Education

Written by Health Shield | Sep 7, 2023 1:07:12 PM

Sadly, suicide is all too common in today’s world. According to the World Health Organization, more than 8 million people take their own lives every year.

Many of us know people personally who struggle with mental health issues and have  experienced a loss due to this silent killer. While there is no one simple solution that can prevent a person from making this tragic decision, educating ourselves on the signs and  symptoms of suicide can be an important step in helping those around us who might be  struggling.

With suicide being a major public health concern in the UK, it is essential that everyone has access to the resources and support they need to be aware of the signs of suicidal ideation and how to respond. Here we’ll provide an overview of some of the best free resources available for suicide awareness and education in the UK - resources which could help save lives.

Seven of the best free resources about suicide

In 2020, there were 6,507 suicides registered in England and Wales, with men accounting for three-quarters (75%) of all deaths by suicide. In addition, suicide is now one of the leading causes of death among young people aged 10-24 years old. These statistics highlight why it is so important that we have access to free resources on suicide prevention and support.

Learn How To Recognise The Signs Of Suicidal Ideation With Zero Suicide Alliance’s Free Online Course

Zero Suicide Alliance provides a free course teaching people how to recognise signs of suicidal ideation in themselves or others so they can get help before it’s too late. The course covers topics such as understanding common warning signs associated with suicidal behaviour; developing skills needed for having conversations around this topic; identifying sources of help available; plus much more! It’s suitable both for those wanting personal development but also those working professionally within healthcare settings who want additional training around this subject matter e.g., nurses/doctors etc..

Take a look here:


Mental Health Foundation - Available Resources on Suicide Prevention and Support

The Mental Health Foundation provides a range of free resources on suicide prevention and support. They offer information about how to spot signs of suicidal thoughts, as well as advice on how to talk about these issues with friends, family or colleagues. The foundation also offers practical advice on how to look after your own mental health during difficult times.

Take a look at:


Samaritans - 24/7 Helpline Providing Listening Ear To Anyone Feeling The Need

The Samaritans provide a 24/7 helpline which can be used by anyone feeling overwhelmed or struggling with their mental health. Their trained volunteers are available round-the-clock to provide a listening ear and emotional support for anyone who needs it. They also offer online resources such as podcasts, blogs and videos which can help people understand more about mental health issues such as depression and anxiety.

Take a look at:


Papyrus Prevention Of Young Suicide - Education Programmes For Schools, Young People And Professionals

PAPYRUS Prevention Of Young Suicide is a charity dedicated to preventing young suicide in the UK (under 35). They provide education programmes for schools, young people and professionals which aim to raise awareness about mental health issues such as depression or anxiety which can lead to suicidal thoughts or behaviour. PAPYRUS also offers guidance on how teachers can create a safe environment where students feel comfortable discussing their mental health problems without fear of judgement or stigma.

Take a look at: https://www.papyrus-uk


Mind - Free Mental Health Information, Advice & Support For Anyone In England

Mind is an organisation providing free mental health information, advice and support for anyone in England who may be struggling with their mental wellbeing. They offer practical tips on looking after your own mental health as well as advice on how to talk about these issues with friends or family members who may be struggling too. Mind also provides links to other organisations offering specialist services such as counselling or therapy if needed.

Take a look at: 


The Mix UK - Supportive Online Resources For Young People Struggling With Mental Health Issues Including Self-Harm And Suicide

The Mix UK provides supportive online resources specifically designed for young people aged 13-25 who may be struggling with their mental health including self-harm or suicidal thoughts/behaviour. Their website includes articles written by experts covering topics such as understanding depression or anxiety, coping strategies when feeling overwhelmed and tips for talking about these issues with friends/family members.

Take a look at:


CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably) - Free Helpline, Webchat And More For Men Aged 15-35 At Risk Of Suicide Or Experiencing Depression Or Anxiety

CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably) is an organisation providing free helplines, webchats and other services specifically designed for men aged 15-35 at risk of suicide or experiencing depression or anxiety due to any life situation including work stress or relationship breakdowns etc.. CALM’s website also includes helpful articles written by experts covering topics such as understanding depression/anxiety symptoms, dealing with stress at work/home etc., plus links to other organisations offering specialist services if needed.

Take a look at:


Tips For Talking About Suicide With Friends, Family And Colleagues

Talking about suicide can be difficult but it’s important that we do so we can get help before it’s too late. Here are some tips from PAPYRUS UK if you’re concerned about someone:

  • Be direct – don’t be afraid to ask questions like “are you thinking about killing yourself?”
  • Listen without judgement – allow them time and space without interruption so they feel heard and understood
  • Offer hope – remind them that help is available & encourage them to seek professional help if needed
  • Follow up – check back regularly and follow up any promises made e.g., making an appointment with GP etc..

Having access to a Health Cash Plan can offer support when it comes to getting professional help if you’re struggling with your mental wellbeing including suicidal thoughts or behaviour. The additional wellbeing services with a cash plan can include counselling sessions; CBT sessions; psychotherapy sessions etc.