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Transform Your Team: How to Boost Productivity with Workplace Wellbeing

Written by Health Shield | Aug 21, 2023 9:47:15 AM

Businesses of all sizes face challenges when it comes to productivity, but medium-sized businesses can often face greater difficulty due to having limited resources and personnel.


One problem that medium sized businesses often encounter is presenteeism, which is when employees are physically present at work but may not be giving their full effort or being productive. This can lead to decreased productivity and a stagnant work environment. 

The health of your employees can significantly influence both absenteeism and presenteeism. Absenteeism, the act of frequently being absent, is easy to recognise. Presenteeism, on the other hand, is more subtle, as it involves employees being physically present but not productive.

When your team members are too unwell to come in, it can cause a ripple effect of disruption. But what sparks these health concerns? They can stem from a range of issues, but improved wellness initiatives can certainly help address them. Many employees grapple with chronic diseases, and those who are overworked often face challenges such as exhaustion and fatigue.

To combat this issue, directors of growing medium sized businesses should focus on workplace wellbeing as a way to boost productivity. Wellbeing in the workplace goes beyond just physical health; it also includes psychological factors such as job satisfaction, sense of purpose, and emotional support. When these needs are met, employees are more likely to be engaged in their work and perform better overall.

There's an expanding conversation about the importance of nurturing mental wellbeing in the workplace, with a deep understanding that we must address the root causes of stress linked to organisational management. This dialogue, supported by research, underscores the intricate relationship between physical health, mental wellness, and productivity. It suggests that aspects like regular exercise and managing physical symptoms can significantly enhance mental wellbeing.

Research also emphasises the need to tackle structural stressors in the workplace, often a result of inadequate management practices. The shift is now towards boosting productivity by cultivating employee autonomy, instilling a sense of purpose, and embracing empathetic leadership, rather than merely increasing pressure on employees. This well-rounded approach to management is designed to deliver improved outcomes.

Promoting Health and Wellness in the Workplace

Promoting health and wellness among employees goes a long way in maintaining their physical wellbeing. A pertinent question to ask here is: Does the company actively encourage a healthy lifestyle? This can be achieved by making gym memberships part of employee benefits and encouraging regular exercise. Research shows that employees who exercise regularly may take fewer sick days and generally have improved health and mood.

The ergonomics of equipment in the office and at home is another critical factor to consider. Providing comfortable and ergonomic keyboards, chairs, desks, and workstations can significantly reduce workplace injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome and back pain.

It’s also essential to ensure that employees have access to healthy food options. For office workers, this could mean making healthy foods available for lunch. For those working from home, providing healthy meal vouchers could be a great initiative.

Managing Workload and Maintaining Work-Life Balance

Mental wellbeing in the workplace is a broad concept encompassing emotional and social wellbeing, as well as job satisfaction or dissatisfaction. A key point of discussion here is: Are workloads manageable and do employees feel overwhelmed due to being short-staffed? Overworking can lead to burnout and result in low retention numbers, impacting overall productivity and morale.

Another critical aspect to consider is whether employees are given enough time off to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Providing sufficient time for relaxation and recovery from work stress can contribute to a happier work environment and improve employees' personal lives.

Promoting Social Interaction and Effective Communication

An integral part of mental wellbeing at work is social interaction. The question to ask here is: Are employees given ample opportunities for socialisation? Hosting social events and team-building exercises can help co-workers bond and foster a positive work culture.

Addressing stressful situations promptly is another crucial consideration. Ensuring that issues like malfunctioning equipment are resolved swiftly can reduce unnecessary stress for employees.

It’s also important to ensure that there are effective channels for employees to communicate with managers and each other - and that’s where internal communication tools can help maintain connectivity within the workforce.

A pro-tip for managers: Incorporate employee surveys into your internal communication platform to gather feedback and gauge employee satisfaction.

Encouraging Personal and Professional Development

Work-related wellbeing is a comprehensive concept that includes all aspects of physical and mental wellbeing related to somebody’s job. A key point to consider here is: Are there opportunities for personal development? Employees should be encouraged to enhance their skills, advance their careers, and continue learning.

Another vital aspect to consider is the training and development of managers. Can they be coached or mentored? Leadership courses can equip managers with the necessary skills to lead effectively and contribute positively to employee wellbeing.

Create a supportive workplace

The workplace can be a challenging environment for employees, but it doesn't have to be. With the right attitude and effort, directors of growing medium-sized businesses can create an atmosphere that promotes physical and mental wellbeing. By taking the initiative to give your staff the necessary tools to stay productive and focused, you can take the steps to help improve retention rates as well as maintain a healthy work-life balance. When done correctly, directors can empower their employees in achieving greater levels of productivity and happiness at work.

Here at Health Shield, we're deeply committed to supporting businesses and their employees as they navigate through the complexities of the cost of living crisis. If you'd like to explore how we can support your team further, we’re always happy for a chat, so get in touch.

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