Blog | Health Shield

Wellness benefits of Health Shield's health cash plans.

Written by Health Shield | Oct 18, 2019 2:36:00 PM

Here at Health Shield, we’re passionate about helping businesses boost employee wellbeing and health by providing a wide range of innovative products and services. Since 1877, we’ve focused on achieving our purpose of helping people lead healthier, happier and more productive lives through our range of health cash plans, featuring MyWellness.


Our goal is to make it easier for people to look after themselves by providing affordable health benefits that are simple to access with the promise to:

  • keep your business and staff in the best of health
  • make our products the best available
  • keep our services human-centred

Health cash plans are designed to support your staff and are available to your employees as part of a benefits package. The idea is that the employee has access to a range of preventative wellbeing tools that work together to provide a better future designed to keep them in the best of health. Our plans allow employees to seek support for physical and mental health in a coordinated way, aiming to improve their overall health and as a result, improve absenteeism and general employee wellness.

Health Shield is committed to providing a service that is sustainable and affordable. Both you and your employees can hugely benefit from one of our cash plans, here’s how…

Firstly, we offer a whole lot more. MyWellness is the additional benefits package that your employees receive with their health cash plan. Yes, our health cash plans will reimburse your employees for everyday health treatments but MyWellness offers even more, including easy-to-access wellbeing services:

My GP Anytime

Are your employees struggling to get a GP appointment? My GP Anytime is just one of the services available on MyWellness. Your employees will be able to speak to a GP over the phone 24/7, as well as book face-to-face video chat on weekdays from both their PC and mobile phone. If your employees are worried about whether the issue needs GP attention, they can simply drop them a text for a quick response. Need a prescription? My GP Anytime service can have prescriptions delivered to your employee’s home or office. Especially since the Coronavirus pandemic, this service has never been so valuable.

My On-Demand Physio

Are your employees living in discomfort with aches and pains? Whether the cause is tiring work positions, repetitive actions, lack of movement etc., if not treated, your staff could be left with long-lasting damage. My On-Demand Physio is a direct line between employees and a fully qualified physiotherapist. Off the back of this, a call will be arranged with the necessary medical professional within 72 hours to give a personal diagnosis and recovery programme.

My Wellbeing app

It’s normal for employees to feel stressed but are they aware of how to manage it? Sometimes, too much worry and stress can lead to bigger issues. MyWellness is accompanied by My Wellbeing app, an NHS-approved* app that helps employees manage their mental health. This wellbeing app features a mood meter, thought trainer, progress report, relaxation techniques, wellbeing guides and other calming activities. 

My 24/7 Counselling

Dealing with stress is difficult and often, employees don’t know where to find help and therefore try to ignore the issue, making it worse. MyWellness offers a 24/7 counselling and support helpline to give employees somewhere to go and someone to turn too. 


MyWellness is also accompanied by a number of health check functions, including My Online Health Assessments, designed to educate employees on the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle, My Cancer Screening that includes a cancer testing kit and support before and after, plus My Home Assistance, practical hands-on support after a pre-planned hospital stay.

Take our quiz to find out how much you know about mental health.

*The app meets NHS quality standards for clinical effectiveness, safety, usability and accessibility and has a supportive evidence base.